You are welcome to call into the Office at any time to collect a Prospectus and Enrolment pack or please enrol online and view our Prospectus HERE.
Packs are distributed to our local primary schools;
Henderson North, Pomaria, Ranui, Western Heights and Summerland Schools.
When enrolling please provide proof of your address i.e. recent tenancy agreement, electricity or rates or water rates bill showing your name and address, and a copy of your child's birth certificate/passport. Please also provide us with your child's preschool immunisation record.
Please submit your 2025 enrolment now.
Students who are residing full time in the Henderson Intermediate School Zone are entitled to apply for a place at any time.
In Zone
The law requires that H.I.S gives priority to enrolling students who live in our home zone.
2025 In Zone enrolments are now being accepted with proof of your address.
Out of Zone Priorities
Priority 1: Special Programmes - Māori Bilingual & Samoan Bilingual
Priority 2: Siblings of current students
Priority 3: Siblings of former students
Priority 4: Children of former students
Priority 5: Children of board employees
Priority 6: All other applicants
Where the number of students exceeds the places available, a ballot will be held from the group with the lowest priority according to the rules set down by the Secretary of Education.
To check whether you fall within our Zone check the map below or please contact our
School Office (09) 8388529